autonomous T-pod trucks

Autonomous T-pod trucks have received permission to operate on US roads

Electric road transport is confidently making its way into the future. Einride’s fully autonomous T-pod drone truck, for example, has performed well in Sweden and is now set to replicate its success in the US.

During the test runs, the trucks were insured by a special support group. According to the company, the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has already issued an operating certificate for the T-pod to operate in autonomous mode, since the truck does not have a cab.

autonomous T-pod trucks

The electronic filling is located in a special capsule. There are sensors, video cameras, radars and lidars that are controlled by remote operators. This is due to the observance of traffic safety measures.

The final result of the T-pod’s effectiveness will be known at the end of the year, when the self-driving car becomes part of CE Appliances, an enterprise that transports goods between warehouses.

autonomous T-pod trucks

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